Fri3d Camp 18-20 augustus 2018

About Fri3d Camp

Fri3d Camp is a family friendly summer camp welcoming hackers, makers and DIYers.

About Fri3d Camp

A bi-annual family friendly summer get-together for hackers, makers and DIYers. 2018 will be our third edition, for which we plan to gather 512 people with a broad spectrum of interests.

At Fri3d Camp we live by the hacker ethos: Be excellent to eachother. This means that every participant makes sure that Fri3d Camp becomes an unforgettable experience for everyone. Fri3d Camp provides the perfect environment for mutual learning, where young and old engage in activities together.

The inspiration for Fri3d Camp are larger European hacker camps such as CCC Camp (Germany) or SHA (Netherlands).

Fri3d Camp 2018 will take place from the 18th to the 20th of August at 'De Kluis' in Belgium


Although the Fri3d Camp 2018 programme will cover a broad range of topics, we’ve decided to place the spotlight on one central theme: 'robots'. Robots will get special treatment throughout the camp.

Jan De Coster with a few of the robots he built
Jan De Coster, the Belgian 'Mr Robot'


Fri3d 2018 takes place at ‘De Kluis’, a large scouting ground near Leuven, Belgium. There will be plenty of space to set up tents, roll in campers, caravans or UFO’s. The wooded area offers plenty of shade to keep the heads cool or put up the most awesome artworks. Some key facts about our location’:

terrain plan
Icons indicate how we plan to utilise the different areas.


Since Fri3d Camp takes place in the northern part of Belgium, the primary language is Dutch. Most of the camp attendees do speak English (and probably French and German too), so if Dutch is not your mother tongue - you are still extremely welcome at Fri3d Camp. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out using one of our channels or contact
